About Us
Dhanishta Associates operates across South India and office is located at
No.1108,Sir M Vishweshawaraiah Layout, 8th Block, Gidadakonenahalli,
Vishwaneedam (P), Nagarbhavi Bangalore- 560091
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“They have provided sound advice and transparency combined with efficiency in ensuring Compliance’s for setting up our outlets across South India. I Would happily recommended Dhanistha Associates to any company looking for proficient services”
Paradise Food Court
“The association has grown from strength to strength over the years. I recognize them for their expertise team transparency, seamless and time bound solutions. I recommended Dhanishta Associates to anyone looking for proficient and reliable services”
Citius Retails
“I engaged them to help us with the regulatory authorities and obtain relevant compliance to set up our outlets. They had a dedicated team and have executed the task in a transparent and seamless fashion. Their reliability and passion to ensure client success is commendable”